Mardyke Hotel, 126 Hotwell Road, Bristol

1915 Mrs Harriet Kelley 1926 Mrs Maude Adams Mardyke Music Bar, 126/128 Hotwell Road, Bristol Closed at time of publication. Last Guide to Avon’s Ale (CAMA, 1996)

Armoury Tavern, 130 Stapleton Road, Bristol

1915 Samuel M. Cotty 1926 G.W. Adams Draught Bass; Tetley Bitter; Whitbread Boddingtons Bitter (H) Small, attractive single bar pub with low ceilings and wooden beams. Sky TV. Last Guide to Avon’s Ale (CAMRA, 1996)

Carpenters Arms, Hayes Lane, Charlton, nr Filton

Licensing Details: Owner in 1891: Georges & Co., Bristol Brewery Rateable value in 1891: Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse Owner in 1903: Georges & Co., Bristol Brewery Rateable value in 1903: Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse Closing time in 1903: Landlords at the Carpenters Arms include: 1851,1856. Thomas Bleaken 1861 Peter Groves 1870 […]

Royal Oak, Toghill, Doynton

I received an email from George Hall who told me that the Royal Oak was tenanted by his great, great grandmother, Sarah Nicholls in 1891. It was one of four agricultural labourers cottages on Toghill (now A420). The cottages have now been converted into two dwellings and there is no visible evidence that the building […]

Three Horseshoes, High Street, Doynton

The Three Horseshoes is now a private dwelling adjacent to a transport yard. It offers bed and breakfast. Licensing Details: Owner in 1891: Earl Temple (leased John Arnold & Son, High Street, Wickwar) Rateable value in 1891: Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse Owner in 1903: Earl Temple (leased John Arnold & Son, High Street, […]

The Brewery, Toghill Lane, Doynton

Doynton is a village about two miles to the south-east of Pucklechurch. The property is now residential. Map reference: ST 720740 Licensing Details: Owner in 1891: Catherine Hendry (free from brewery tie) Rateable value in 1891: Type of licence in 1891: Beerhouse (off sales only) Landlady: 1891 Catherine Hendry