Hands & Heart, 5 Mount Pleasant, Cheltenham

A beer house called the Hands & Heart has been identified at 5 Mount Pleasant Cheltenham by local history and pub historian Martin Edwards. He has compiled a list of the pubs in Cheltenham in 1844. Mount Pleasant was the area around Winchcombe Street and Fairview Road. Martin has indicated that the Hands and Heart […]

Greyhound Inn, North Street, Cheltenham

A public house called the Greyhound was in existence in 1844 in North Street, Cheltenham. Martin Edwards, a fellow pub historian, has identified the Greyhound which was located in the area now occupied by Boots / Primark. This area of Cheltenham once took its name from the pub and was originally Greyhound Lane. The Greyhound […]

Golden Lion, 64 Burton Street, Cheltenham

Martin Edwards has done a lot of research into the pubs of Cheltenham and has found a reference to a beer house located at 64 Burton Street in 1844 called the Golden Lion. A pub called the Old Pack Horse was trading at 63 Burton Street as recorded in the 1891 petty sessional licensing records. […]

Foley Arms, 1 Worcester Street, (off Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham

A beer house called the Foley Arms has been identified at 1 Worcester Street by fellow pub and local history enthusiast Martin Edwards. The reference is from 1844. Worcester Street is now little more than a solitary house and private garages at the back of the shopping precinct in Tewkesbury Road. There was also a […]

Feathers, 66 Winchcomb Street, Cheltenham

Martin Edwards has done some research on the bygone pubs in Cheltenham and has discovered a Feathers beer house in 1844 as listed at 66 Winchcomb Street (note the lack of the letter E in Winchcombe). Martin has made notes that the Feathers was located ‘where the Beaconber used to be.’ Landlord: 1844: Horatio Brown

Endeavour Inn, 25 Jersey Street, Cheltenham

The Endeavour Inn, a beer house, has been identified by fellow pub researcher Martin Edwards at 25 Jersey Street, Fairview in an 1844 reference. In the same street the Masons Arms beer house appears to have been trading in those early Victorian times. Landlord: 1844 John Hill

Dun Cow (Cider House), 223 High Street, Cheltenham

Martin Edwards has been researching the pubs in Cheltenham and has made a list of all the licensed premises in the town in 1844. He has identified a cider house called the Dun Cow which he gives the address as 223 High Street (original numbering). The existing 223 High Street address is between Rose & […]

Duke of Wellington, 30 St James Street, Cheltenham

Martin Edwards has been researching the pubs of Cheltenham and has made a list of licensed premises in 1844. Martin has identified a public house called the Duke of Wellington in St James Street. The address is given as 30 St James Street. Landlords: 1844 Daniel Pinkstone